“Picture Memories” is a heartwarming and informative guide to early-onset dementia, written by Sherri Henderson, a mother who has dedicated her life to helping people with special needs. When her son Trey, who has Down Syndrome, was diagnosed with early-onset dementia at age 29, Sherri knew she had to do something to help him understand his diagnosis. That’s why she wrote “Picture Memories” – a book that has since helped countless families understand the complex issues of dementia and special needs.
Through relatable stories, beautiful illustrations, and simple language, “Picture Memories” is perfect for children and adults alike. Whether you’re dealing with dementia or know someone who is, this book will give you the hope, knowledge, and perspective you need to face the future with hope and courage. This book will not only help children understand the complexities of dementia, but it will also inspire parents to never give up in the face of adversity.
“Picture Memories” is praised by doctors, psychiatrists, and families across the country for its ability to demystify dementia and provide comfort during difficult times.
This book is a must-have for families who have loved ones with special needs, such as Down Syndrome. The colorful illustrations make it easy for children and adults alike to understand the concept of dementia, and the heart-warming story is sure to touch the hearts of all who read it.
Picture Memories – Understanding Dementia is a beautifully written book that explains Alzheimer’s disease in a most sensitive manner. The Henderson family’s understanding of the needs of family members facing this diagnosis for children with intellectual disabilities is impressive and their ability to communicate what the disease means is nothing short of phenomenal! The book is breathtakingly beautiful and will help any family dealing with this diagnosis. It is a must read.
– Suzanne Sewell President & CEO Florida ARF
It made me cry- and it made me smile, both of which are crucial for a reader in order to get the full impact of the book’s meaning. I think it is a clear explanation for people of all ages – even those of us who think we understand this disease because we know the medical facts; this goes beyond the facts of the body and brings home the facts of the heart. I see this book as helping not only families whose loved one has Down syndrome, but all families facing this new journey. Thanks to Trey and the Hendersons for sharing so much of their own lives in order to bring information and encouragement to the lives of so many others.
– Laura Watts Co-foundeer Jacksonville Down Syndrome Assiciation
Although originally written to help the patient, this well written, easy to understand and beautifully illustrated book can help others, especially young family members, better empathize with a loved one who is suffering from dementia. It will be an essential addition to my own bookshelf.
– Dr. Joseph Sarachene, MD Physiologist
Sherri’s Interview on Voice of America Radio