Great Expectations!
We hear it almost every day. We hear from visiting therapists, parents, bus drivers, even teachers from other schools; “Why do they work so well for you?!” The answer is [...]
Addressing a Critical Gap: The Lack of Hurricane Shelters for People with Special Needs
Natural disasters like hurricanes can be devastating for any community, but they can be particularly challenging for individuals with special needs. These individuals often require additional support and accommodations during [...]
What is Facilitated Communication?
Presuming competence in everyone we serve means we view behaviors as a means of communication instead of something needing to be “fixed” or trained out of them. This means our [...]
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help!
Raising a child with special needs can be a challenging but rewarding experience for families. However, it can also be difficult to navigate the various resources and services available to [...]
What is Presuming Competence?
One of the statements people hear from us all the time is, “We presume competence in everyone.” It’s one of the most important aspects of our philosophy. As we reach [...]
Anti ABA?
One of the most asked questions we receive is “Why are you so anti-ABA?” Well, first of all, we're not anti-ABA, we're just not in the "ABA is everything" camp. [...]
Inclusion vs. Integration
One of the founding missions of Henderson Haven is to help ensure everyone was given the opportunity to live their own independent lives without being forced into grouped work [...]
Can We Fix The System
While we try not to ever get too political when talking with folks, when you’re dealing with services mostly financed by the State, it’s hard not to cross that [...]
Who is Henderson Haven?
If there is one thing Henderson Haven has always been and always will be, it’s anti-establishment. That is not an easy position to take in an industry that contends [...]
Welcome to The Butterfly Effect
Hello – and welcome to The Butterfly Effect’s first post! We’re excited to be undertaking this new adventure for our organization. We can only hope you’ll be as excited [...]